zaterdag 19 april 2014

19 April 2014 - The New Top 3

Two months to go to the end of my E 365 contest. I start to think about the success or lack of success I have had with SFI.  Yes, I love SFI for the Pricebenders auctions and the games. Yet, it is hard to build a team of active referrals and even those who were active for a while, get inactive and disappear. Anyway, SFI will remain always in my Top 5, however maybe not as the #1. At this moment and with some guidance from higher spheres, I have determine the programs in my Top 5 for earning online today. Here they are:

1. Flexkom
2. Freestockshares
4. SFI
5. Neobux

There is more, in fact, I could enumerate hundreds of programs I have joined, some of them disappeared, others still around, but merely inactive. Yet these 5 are my top of the cream!

Okay, let's see how today's E 365 Contest Ranking is going:

1. Dirk Vanderdonckt - 50,488 VP (+31580)
2. Mary Horn - 32,713 VP (+7541)
3. June Todd - 30,236 VP  (+14425)
4. Christina Ings - 24,164 VP (+10121)
5. Muzi Maseko - 14,616 VP (+4608)

New name on #5, in fact positions 5 till 9 are very close to each other. 

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