maandag 31 maart 2014

31 March 2014 - Last day of the month

Today is the end of March and Jokers Day April 1st tomorrow. Let's see if I can find a good joke to bewilder you all tomorrow. As for today a good number of VersaPoints expired again ,but **no joke** tomorrow is my Standing Order fulfillment, so I will regain 1500 VP again.

As for today, a quick update on the Top 5 so I can see who increases their VP tomorrow.

1. Dirk Vanderdonckt - 46,175 VP  (+26793)
2. Mary Horn - 40,639 VP  (+7541)
3. June Todd - 30,283 VP  (+12821)
4. Christina Ings - 23,352 VP  (+6200)
5. Vojko Postruznik - 16,908 VP (+4608)

Oops, serious drop for June, almost 3000 VersaPoints.

zaterdag 29 maart 2014

29 March 2014 - Thanks for the views

It is beautiful, though I don't actively promote this blog much, due to content being filled up with many posts, I suppose search engines are starting to pick up this blog. Hey, if you are reading this blog, could you drop me a small comment? I am curious who is reading this, and what do you find about it.

So today it is Saturday and in Europe, we will change time tonight into Summer time. One hour less sleep tonight. I will keep it short today, since it was **again** a busy day with many distracting things who kept me from doing my business all day. But, hehe, family needs some attention too, isn't it? Today we went to the Kino see The Grand Budapest Hotel. It was a very nice movie, set in a classic lifestyle of wealth, a dream I have of living some day. And it was a cozy old-fashioned theater in Namur as well.

OK, here is the E  365 Ranking for today:

1. Dirk Vanderdonckt - 48,038 VP  (+26643)
2. Mary Horn - 40,666 VP  (+7541)
3. June Todd - 33,182 VP  (+12821)
4. Christina Ings - 23,335 VP  (+6200)
5. Vojko Postruznik - 16,940 VP (+4608)

Well, it's almost bye bye to Vojko Postruznik in the top 5! I'm waiting to see Mary drop too. I guess only June may pose some threat to my number #1 position still. 

donderdag 27 maart 2014

27 March 2014 - Quick Update

It is late today and so I'll make it a short update. Today I lost over 5000 VersaPoints due to my purchase of a Lifetime Custom Domain vp's expiring in their 180 days. Not a big deal, I'm still the number 1 in the contest. Will be nice to see Mary drop in vp next month! LOL

OK, here's today's ranking:

1. Dirk Vanderdonckt - 48,045 VP  (+26643)
2. Mary Horn - 41,336 VP  (+7541)
3. June Todd - 33,093 VP  (+12821)
4. Christina Ings - 23,379 VP  (+6200)
5. Vojko Postruznik - 18,598 VP (+4608)

Most contestants are expiring in VersaPoints. Who will still be active end of June? 

maandag 24 maart 2014

24 March 2014 - Re-assigned Affiliates

News, what to think of writing today? Not much happened with the business, it was a shopping Monday and thus we only visited lot of local shops today. Well, except for the daily new affiliates flooding in from my ads in Bidvertiser and, most of whom are inactive anyway, today I did some re-assignments of affiliates in my team. It pays to be active in my SFI team. I'm a super generous Team Leader.

Okay, then how is the E 365 Ranking Today? Here we go:

1. Dirk Vanderdonckt - 53,069 VP  (+26643)
2. Mary Horn - 41,354 VP  (+7541)
3. June Todd - 33,366 VP  (+12821)
4. Christina Ings - 23,387 VP  (+6200)
5. Vojko Postruznik - 18,942 VP (+4608)

Everyone down, no gained points these last days.

vrijdag 21 maart 2014

21 March 2014 - Spring is Here

Spring is here and it is now exactly 3 months to go to the end of my E365 contest. Yesterday I bought TCredits, Glucosamine and Super Potency Megavites and earned a heap of versapoints. Now we are just a few days ahead of expiring the 5069 vp I earned from the purchase of a Lifetime Custom Domain 180 days ago. But I'm well ahead of the competition still.

Let' see the E 365 Ranking Today:

1. Dirk Vanderdonckt - 53,111 VP  (+26643)
2. Mary Horn - 41,933 VP  (+7541)
3. June Todd - 33,400 VP  (+12821)
4. Christina Ings - 23,555 VP (+6200)
5. Vojko Postruznik - 19,031 VP (+4608)

zondag 16 maart 2014

16 March 2014 - Magazine subscriptions

Today a bit disappointing discovery. When browsing the Refunds page of the magazine subscriptions at Tripleclicks, I learned they ship only within the US. There we have it again, our brothers and sisters in the US are once again advantaged! Some of these magazine subscriptions look really interesting, but since I'm living in Belgium I can't take one. Unless I find a good contact in the US.

OK, here a quick update about my E 365 Contest

1. Dirk Vanderdonckt - 47,243 VP  (+20699)
2. Mary Horn - 41,987 VP  (+7541)
3. June Todd - 33,395 VP  (+12821)
4. Christina Ings - 23,688 VP (+6150)
5. Vojko Postruznik - 19,090 VP (+4608)

No increases today. 

vrijdag 14 maart 2014

14 March 2014 - Won the T-Time

While playing the T-Time Game as many times as possible every hour every day, I happen to win the 2 TCredits quite often, not every day, but for sure every 2-3 days. Today I fell into the prizes. There is also a great new game called Eager Zebra where we guess the outcome of an event that takes place in the future.

The prize pot of this new game is really outstanding. At this moment already more than 7000  Tcredits to win and it increases as much as entries to the game are being made.

Yes, SFI is doing great business in introducing these new games. Some more of these fabulous games are coming soon.

As for the E365 Ranking today, here we go. On the 27th of March, I will have 5000 vp expiring. To compensate for that loss, I will be converting some of my MRP into Tripleclicks sales.

1. Dirk Vanderdonckt - 47,349 VP  (+20699)
2. Mary Horn - 42,036 VP  (+7541)
3. June Todd - 33,419 VP (+12821)
4. Christina Ings - 23,690 VP (+6150)
5. Vojko Postruznik - 19,328 VP (+4608)

dinsdag 11 maart 2014

11 March 2014 - VersaPoints Olé

Lots going on with my VersaPoints these last couple of days. I had a bidding fever so I bought 2x 100 Tcredits day after day. I bid more than necessary this month to become Bronze Team Leader already. But I like it. I won a 2 Pack S-Builder co-op and thought, wow, now is the time to bid, I tried a 300 Tcredits package and then a IAHBE membership but to no avail, no success. Next time better luck again. I also won 50 vp in the Daily Grand drawing today.

So, versapoints went up, but 1200 vp got expired too. I had climbed up to 48056 vp today, now is 46856 left. Also nice to see that Mary has had vp expiring too, about 1300 vp.

Here is today's ranking Top 5:

1. Dirk Vanderdonckt - 46,856 VP  (+20199)
2. Mary Horn - 42,022 VP  (+7541)
3. June Todd - 33,398 VP (+12719)
4. Christina Ings - 23,285 VP (+5742)
5. Vojko Postruznik - 19,411 VP (+4608)

June Todd appears to have increased 1554 vp, while I guess Vojko has given up.

zaterdag 8 maart 2014

8 March 2014 - Paid for the Pricebenders auction win

Yesterday I won a Double Pack S-Builder co-op in a Pricebenders auction. My 2nd win. I tried today again on a 300 Tcredits package, but these are hard to win for me. It seems endless bidding is going on for these packages. No success today, though some of these packages are going for just a few dollars, or even just a few cents, if you pick the lucky time!

So today I bought 100 Tcredits and they are all gone. Bidding can be expensive. Good we have at least the Double MRP for bidding. Let's see how my competition is doing today.

Ranking in E365

1. Dirk Vanderdonckt - 46,700 VP  (+17749)
2. Mary Horn - 43,348 VP  (+7541)
3. June Todd - 31,844 VP (+11165)
4. Christina Ings - 23,319 VP (+5742)
5. Vojko Postruznik - 22,446 VP (+4608)

donderdag 6 maart 2014

6 March 2014 - 107 days left

Yesterday I calculated the remaining days of the E 365 contest and found it is exactly 108 days till June 22nd. Today it is 107 days left.
Today not much time to do anything, I got pretty busy. Tomorrow I'll try to do some auctions and if I don't win a Tcredit package, then buy another 100 Tcredits. A good deal for converting MRP into versapoints are 2 of the best Magazine subscriptions. I'll get a subscription tonight or tomorrow.

Today's Ranking in E365:

1. Dirk Vanderdonckt - 45,536 VP  (+16420)
2. Mary Horn - 43,650 VP  (+7541)
3. June Todd - 31,881 VP (+11165)
4. Christina Ings - 23,889 VP (+5742)
5. Vojko Postruznik - 21,842 VP (+3996)

We see some small increases in our Top 5. Mary Horn has increased with over 1500 vp, Christina about 330 and Vojko about 670 vp. Of course, that is if I haven't wrongly misinterpreted expiring versapoints.

maandag 3 maart 2014

3 March 2014 - Pricebenders

I got new Tcredits with my Standing Order on the 1st of March. I gave away 20 Tcredits in my monthly contest to my affiliates who qualified as Executive Affiliate in the previous month. Bob Proctor said in his 'You Were Born Rich' course that whatever you give away, in a spirit of lovingly giving, without expecting anything back, spontaneously, without much thinking, you will get it back through the spectrum of the Universe, the Cosmic Law, of God, or however you want to call it. There is a higher spirit guiding us.

I'm watching these beautiful videos day by day  and get a lot of inspiration from them. Kudos to Joaquin Ayala, the top sponsor for Belgium, my country mate. In his website, he gives a perfect system for advertising your SFI business. And it includes these wonderful videos of You Were Born Rich.

How the Universe will give back what you generously give to others is up to the Universe, you may not get it back in exact the same way as you gave it out, but rest assured it will somehow or other come on your path. Thus it is important to always have a positive attitude and let no negativity creep into your mind.

So today is a bidding marathon on Pricebenders auctions. Let's see if I win something.

Let's now look at the E365 Ranking:

1. Dirk Vanderdonckt - 45,471 VP  (+16326)
2. Mary Horn - 42,110 VP  (+6101)
3. June Todd - 31,846 VP (+11130)
4. Christina Ings - 23,551 VP (+5424)
5. Vojko Postruznik - 21,842 VP (+3324)

zaterdag 1 maart 2014

1 March 2014 - Weird message from Google+

It is weird, Google+ settings came up as automatically sharing all my posts, and when I submitted my last post, I got a warning that Google+ considered me spamming because of this. Commercial content, LOL. I thought the whole purpose of Google+ is to share whatever one is doing on every personal or commercial field or whatever. If Google+ removes my account, I don't care. If someone reported spam, then why don't you leave my circles? Why not just cancel any connection between us, instead of reporting and making others a hell? Some people are interested in reading these posts, whether you do or not is your concern, but don't take it away from others!

Anyway, what commercial content is it that I'm posting here? I just tell a little about my experiences in my E 365 Contest at SFI. Or are you part of the hacker attack against SFI perhaps? Freedom of speech, hahaha. Yes, not in the eyes of Google+ automatic sharing. Anyway, I've changed my settings, no automatic sharing anymore. Hope there is still freedom of speech in blogging at blogger...

As for today's E 365 contest ranking, today is the first of March and a new month means a new Standing Order. Also, a good amount of versapoints has been expiring the last 2 days, so we are at less than the previous post.

1. Dirk Vanderdonckt - 45,732 VP   (+16326)
2. Mary Horn - 42,158 VP  (+6101)
3. June Todd - 33,356 VP (+11130)
4. Christina Ings - 23,570 VP (+5424)
5. Vojko Postruznik - 21,818 VP  (+3300)