donderdag 27 februari 2014

27 February 2014 - more vp expiring

Today some more versapoints should be expiring. And tomorrow another 102 or more. Time to buy something more from my MRP or I'll wait till the 1st of March to have my Standing Order fulfilled. However, it is scheduled that I will have 1661 vp and more expiring that day. Still a good advantage over #2. Mary seems to have bought something today, but her points are down again, because some vp must have expired there too. We'll add her about 300 vp to her balance in brackets. So far the balance in brackets shows me as the biggest scorer, which is a good sign. Let's cross our fingers and hope my reply in Ask SC to 'How can we be the winner in our E365 Contest?' will not give away my secret for winning. LOL

Here's today's ranking;
1. Dirk Vanderdonckt - 45,732 VP   (+14811)
2. Mary Horn - 42,295 VP  (+6101)
3. June Todd - 33,554 VP (+11130)
4. Christina Ings - 24,637 VP (+5424)
5. Vojko Postruznik - 22,153 VP  (+3300)

woensdag 26 februari 2014

26 February 2014 - A few vp expiring

Today a few vp were expiring, tomorrow about 700, the dates I have calculated before for expiration of my versapoints is thus correct. I have plenty of MRP to compensate for any losses in vp and I believe a winner position on the 22nd of June is pretty well possible.

Here is today's ranking, not much change with yesterday.

1. Dirk Vanderdonckt - 46,332 VP   (+14811)
2. Mary Horn - 42,049 VP  (+5835)
3. June Todd - 33,750 VP (+11130)
4. Christina Ings - 24,384 VP (+5174)
5. Vojko Postruznik - 23,799 VP  (+3300)

dinsdag 25 februari 2014

25 February 2014 - Quick update

Just a quick update today, since it's getting late. Here is today's E365 ranking. Tomorrow or the day after I'll lose about 700 vp, soon will be the next Standing Order on the 1st of March. That should take care of vp expiring at that time (1661 vp from purchase back the 1st of September).

Here the top 5

1. Dirk Vanderdonckt - 46,353 VP   (+14811)
2. Mary Horn - 41,989 VP  (+5775)
3. June Todd - 34,065 VP (+11130)
4. Christina Ings - 24,505 VP  (+5174)
5. Vojko Postruznik - 23,799 VP  (+3300)

vrijdag 21 februari 2014

21 February 2014 - Hacker attack survived

Yesterday night a hacker attack brought the entire site of SFI and Tripleclicks down and so new security measures had to be taken to protect valuable data of the members. For this reason, we had to reset our passwords, and the new security system requires us to validate each and every device we use to access our account. I don't know yet if the hackers got some of my personal details, not sure, at least nothing had been changed in my account, so I guess I'm safe. Too bad those criminals are launching these attacks on all major business websites. They will be punished for their misdeeds for sure.

Meanwhile, we continue bidding on Pricebenders auctions and buying Tcredits, playing the games, since the speed of the sites is fortunately back up. A BBB approved business like SFI can't be hurt so badly by hackers, right?

The E365 Ranking for today is:
1. Dirk Vanderdonckt - 46,353 VP   (+14811)
2. Mary Horn - 42,007 VP  (+5775)
3. June Todd - 34,305 VP (+11130)
4. Christina Ings - 24,518 VP  (+5174)
5. Vojko Postruznik - 23,882 VP  (+3300)

dinsdag 18 februari 2014

18 February 2014 - Buying more Tcredits

Alright, it is a bright new day, and I'm writing this in the middle of the night, just 30 min. past midnight. LOL
It's the 19th now, but let's write this report for the 18th. Today, well yesterday, I bought a new set of TCredits, and a few more things, a set of hair strings for my little niece, a package of 30 Gift Cards, of which I distributed 2 so far. Oh yes, the One-a-Day Plan, I still have to find someone to send my gift card today. Last 2 came from my primary Facebook account, let's try that one again today and also my other Facebook account. If you'd like a $12 Gift Card redeemable at, send me a comment and enter your name and e-mail address, asking for your gift card. By the way, the advertising program working the best so far in the sfi90days plan is Bidvertiser. At the moment I'm still working with my $20 free introductory gift, after that it's really worth to spend at least $35 or $70 a month on advertising with this site. I got lot of signups.

Now for the ranking, you guess with all these new purchases at Tripleclicks, I have gained more versapoints and am forging ahead of the competition. Here is today's ranking in the E365 competition. I'm only going to do the Top 5 from now on, since in the lower position's some are dropping and other's coming in, yet they are not in the contest and other members are dropping points fast as well.

1. Dirk Vanderdonckt - 45,627 VP   (+14107)
2. Mary Horn - 41,996 VP  (+5775)
3. June Todd - 34,371 VP (+11130)
4. Christina Ings - 24,142 VP  (+4798)
5. Vojko Postruznik - 23,893 VP  (+3300)

vrijdag 14 februari 2014

14 February - Happy Valentine Day

Lovers day today. I bought a package of 30 Gift Cards at Tripleclicks today. If you want one, which you can redeem at Tripleclicks for $12 buying credit, write me a comment with your e-mail and write you like a $12 TC Gift Card sent to you. These gift cards are able to be sent to your e-mail address, so I don't need any physical address and don't need to stick stamps on envelopes and so forth. The new gift cards are a great improvement!

As for the ranking today in my E365 Contest, let's see who remains #1:

1. Dirk Vanderdonckt - 42,522 VP   (+11007)
2. Mary Horn - 42,018 VP  (+5775)
3. June Todd - 34,483 VP (+11130)
4. Vojko Postruznik - 27,033 VP  (+3300)
5. Christina Ings - 24,132 VP  (+4798)
6. Victor De Legarreta - 18,330 VP (+1742)
7. Shanda Secondi - 17,480 VP (+2006)
8. Alida Koegelenberg -  17,011 VP (+1662)
9. Muzi Maseko - 14,673 VP ( +2623)
10. Betabasi Daniel - not contending

woensdag 12 februari 2014

12 February 2014 - Busy day

Yep, busy day with a religious festival and a lot of work. Yet I still find the time to update my blog today. I watched a bizar movie and will watch another bizar one. Altogether a very bizar day. Nothing much to report about the Entrepreneur 365 ranking. In sfi90days program we had a small safelist and AdlandPro. I have been a member of AdlandPro since many years, just never did much with it. Now it felt good to update my info in that program and browse around a little. Just renewed my affiliate program membership with AdlandPro and placed a banner right at the bottom of this blog. Go see it and please click on the banner or the link here. It will activate my affiliate membership if you do! Great, now to the ranking, I'm still at #1. I guess I would like to stay there, and I have good hope I will. Mary may still get me some obstacles in front, but I'm sure I'm just gonna be jolly buying more Tcredits whenever she does and it will keep me at the top. Thumbs up for me!

Here's today's list:

1. Dirk Vanderdonckt - 42,563 VP   (+10907)
2. Mary Horn - 41,992 VP  (+5749)
3. June Todd - 34,484 VP (+11130)
4. Vojko Postruznik - 27,002 VP  (+3276)
5. Christina Ings - 23,673 VP  (+4298)
6. Victor De Legarreta - 18,330 VP (+1742)
7. Shanda Secondi - 17,471 VP (+2006)
8. Alida Koegelenberg -  16,988 VP  (+1662)
9. Muzi Maseko - 14,666 VP  ( +2623)
10. Betabasi Daniel - not contending

Muzi got a climb of about 900 vp, so I guess with some expired points, he had a standing order of 1200 vp today.

maandag 10 februari 2014

10 February 2014 - Changes

Oops, we are #1 again. Yesterday Mary went down to about 40,500, now she's up with 42,000 again. Apparently a Standing Order of 1500 versapoints today. Also, June Todd seems to have climbed again and goes the strongest with the points between brackets. She could present a threat to the #1 position if she continues to go like this. Still a pretty exciting race going here.

Let's see today's ranking:

1. Dirk Vanderdonckt - 42,449 VP   (+10763)
2. Mary Horn - 42,006 VP  (+5749)
3. June Todd - 34,484 VP (+11130)
4. Vojko Postruznik - 27,001 VP  (+3276)
5. Christina Ings - 23,673 VP  (+4298)
6. Victor De Legarreta - 18,351 VP (+1742)
7. Shanda Secondi - 17,471 VP (+2006)
8. Alida Koegelenberg -  16,986 VP  (+1662)
9. Muzi Maseko - 13,745 VP  ( +1423)
10. Betabasi Daniel - not contending

zaterdag 8 februari 2014

8 February 2014 - Standing Orders

I'm back to #2. Today it appears Mary has gotten her Standing Order of 1200 points. So here we go with today's ranking.

1. Mary Horn - 43,737 VP  (+4249)
2. Dirk Vanderdonckt - 42,511 VP   (+10763)
3. June Todd - 32,948 VP (+9630)
4. Vojko Postruznik - 27,007 VP  (+3276)
5. Christina Ings - 23,539 VP  (+4164)
6. Victor De Legarreta - 18,424 VP (+1742)
7. Shanda Secondi - 17,459 VP (+2006)
8. Alida Koegelenberg -  16,966 VP  (+1662)
9. Muzi Maseko - 13,713 VP  ( +1423)
10. Betabasi Daniel - not contending

vrijdag 7 februari 2014

7 February 2014 - Good times

I'm in a good period with little or no versapoints expiring. The next big hump will be at the end of the month. And so far I remain just a few points ahead of the number 2. Let's see what the future will reveal.

The ranking today:

1. Dirk Vanderdonckt - 42,570 VP   (+10763)
2. Mary Horn - 42,495 VP  (+3007)
3. June Todd - 32,993 VP (+9630)
4. Vojko Postruznik - 27,065 VP  (+3276)
5. Christina Ings - 23,586 VP  (+4164)
6. Victor De Legarreta - 18,480 VP (+1742)
7. Shanda Secondi - 17,474 VP (+2006)
8. Alida Koegelenberg -  16,979 VP  (+1662)
9. Muzi Maseko - 13,777 VP  ( +1423)
10. Betabasi Daniel - not contending

June seems to have dropped 1200 vp

woensdag 5 februari 2014

5 February 2014 - Gift certificates

One thing I haven't tried out yet is to promote the TC gift cards. Recently, the management has made these gift cards in electronic format, so that you may even send gift cards by e-mail. People just have to click the link or enter a code and the gift card is automatically connected to your affiliate account. All glories to the technological advancement!

Let's see the ranking in E365 for today.

1. Dirk Vanderdonckt - 42,560 VP   (+10763)
2. Mary Horn - 42,492 VP  (+3007)
3. June Todd - 34,183 VP (+9630)
4. Vojko Postruznik - 27,058 VP  (+3276)
5. Christina Ings - 23,578 VP  (+4164)
6. Victor De Legarreta - 18,470 VP (+1742)
7. Shanda Secondi - 18,185 VP (+2006)
8. Alida Koegelenberg -  16,965 VP  (+1662)
9. Muzi Maseko - 13,763 VP  ( +1423)
10. Betabasi Daniel - not contending

maandag 3 februari 2014

3 February 2014 - A new month closer to the end

February 22 will be 4 months till the end. That means we have progressed almost 2/3rd of the E365 contest period. Things are looking on the bright side. E.g. from all those whose points we calculated since the beginning of the period of whom versapoints won't expire by the end of the contest, I seem to have done the best. Of course, it's hard to see how many versapoints expired exactly for the others.

OK, let's have a quick look at today's ranking. On the 1st my Standing Order got fulfilled again.

1. Dirk Vanderdonckt - 42,555 VP   (+10763)
2. Mary Horn - 42,454 VP  (+2969)
3. June Todd - 34,179 VP (+9630)
4. Vojko Postruznik - 27,058 VP  (+3276)
5. Christina Ings - 23,571 VP   (+4164)
6. Victor De Legarreta - 18,442 VP (+1712)
7. Shanda Secondi - 18,159 VP  (+1976)
8. Alida Koegelenberg -  16,972 VP  (+1662)
9. Muzi Maseko - 13,762 VP  ( +1423)
10. Betabasi Daniel - not contending

Looks like some have set their Standing Order to the first of the month here. Christina and Alida seem to have gotten 1500 vp more than last month, while June and Vojko had somewhat of an increase of 850 and 650, but that's hard to calculate if they had some points expiring as well.